A fire engine, out for a trail spin, roared past Emerson's house, hot with readiness for public duty. 一辆外出巡视的消防车从爱默生的房子前呼啸而过,时刻准备着为人们服务。
This house proposes that we are slaves of duty. 观众提议我们成为被责任左右的人。
So as to realize the target of stabilizing the house price with those macro adjustments and controls, the Shanghai government, must insist on some basic principles as follows: The government of Shanghai must take on the duty to stabilize the house price; 上海市政府为了实现稳定房价的宏观调控目标,必须坚持如下基本原则:上海市政府要切实担负起稳定房价的责任;坚持立足于以经济手段为主的综合调控;
The content of habitatio includes the right of house possession and use, the duty of administration with good faith, preservation and restitution and so on. 居住权的内容包括居住权人的占有权、使用权,善良管理义务,维修义务和返还义务等。